At SunShine Animal Hospital, your pet's safety and success are of the utmost importance. The level of patient care and safety is matched only by human medicine.
- Pre-surgical Exam
- A pre-anesthetic blood test is used to detect organ dysfunction that may influence our choice of medication.
- IV-Fluids for blood pressure support
- Tailored Anesthesia
- EKG, Blood Pressure, Oxygen & Core Temp Monitoring
- “Bair” Hugger Warming Blanket to prevent heat loss
- Individual Surgical/Recovery Nurses ensure safe & smooth recovery
These are just some precautions EVERY pet receives at SunShine Animal Hospital. At SunShine Animal Hospital, we offer a wide range of surgical procedures, from routine spay/neuter to more complex surgeries. Our main focus is patient safety and comfort during procedures. Dr. Kevin continually reviews the most up-to-date surgical practices and attends continuing education programs to ensure we are using the most current surgical protocols and safety measures. A trained vet assistant monitors your pet during surgery, charting vital signs and anesthetic levels. The doctor is alerted the instant any changes occur to allow immediate attention. We routinely use radio wave (RF) surgery, which offers superior advantages over traditional or laser surgery. There is no risk of accidentally burning other areas of tissue through the reflection of a light beam, as with a laser. RF Surgery provides a tactile incision but requires minimal pressure and, at the same time, causes minimal tissue damage and, therefore, less post-op pain. The radio waves also vaporize bacteria, preventing infection of the incision. After the procedure, the surgical vet assistant is assigned as your pet's post-op nurse. Their sole responsibility is to monitor & care for your pet until they are awake, alert, and responsive.

Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)
Orchidectomy (Neuter)
Hernia Repair
Skin Tumor Removal
Needle & Surgical Biopsy
Abscess Draining
Ear Hematoma Repair
Cosmetic Declaw
Laceration Repair
Eye & Eyelid Surgery
Nasal Stenosis Surgery
Oral & Facial Surgery
Ear Canal Surgery
Trachea/Larynx Surgery
Esophageal Surgery
Thoracic Surgery (limited)
Stomach & Intestinal Surgery
Kidney & Bladder Surgery
Fracture Repair
Joint Surgery
In addition to surgical treatment & repair, we offer Platelet Rich Plasma (PLP) injections, similar to stem cell therapy without the surgery.
We also offer Laser Therapy, which uses Photobiomodulation to stimulate the healing process on the cellular level. It is drug & pain-free.